Field of study: Aerosol-cloud interactions in warm convective clouds.
MSc, Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Supervisor: Prof. Ilan Koren
Field of study: Aerosol-cloud interactions in warm convective clouds.
BSc, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Atmospheric sciences, Graduated with honors (Magna cum-laude)
Professional Experience
2021-present: Senior lecturer (equivalent to tenure-track assistant professor),
Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
2018-2021: Postdoctoral research assistant, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK
Teaching Experience
Spring 2023, 2024: Teaching, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Cloud Physics.
Fall 2021, 2022, 2023: Teaching, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere and Oceans.
Fall and spring 2023, 2024: Organizer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Climate, Atmosphere, and Ocean (CAO) seminar.
2017-2018: Teaching assistant, Weizmann Institute of Science. Global Warming Debates.
2015-2018: Teaching high-school students at Davidson Institute of Science.
Funded Grants
UAEREP: Identification of clouds microphysical seedability in an actionable manner. Co-I. 1,500,000$ (550,000$ to HUJI). 2024-2027.
DFG: Quantifying the Multiscale Effects of Subtropical Marine Cloud Brightening on the Tropical Cloud Continuum. PI (together with Fabian Hoffmann, LMU, Germany). 440,000 Euro (180,000 Euro to HUJI). 2023-2026.
Israeli Science Foundation: Adopting an atmospheric water and energy budgets perspective to narrow-down uncertainties in the clouds’ role in climate change 990,000 NIS. 2021-2025.
Israeli Science Foundation - equipment for new faculty members 835,000 NIS. 2021.
Honors and Awards
2022: Golda Meir Fellowship, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2019-2022: Junior Research Fellowship, Kellogg College, University of Oxford
2018: CIRES postdoctoral Fellowship (declined)
2018: Professor Shimon Reich Memorial Prize for outstanding students, WIS
2017-2018: Rieger Foundation-Jewish National Fund Fellow in Environmental Studies
2016-2017: Rieger Foundation-Jewish National Fund Fellow in Environmental Studies
2016: IMS Travel Grant for Young Scientists
2015: Rachel and Salim Benin fellowships
2011: Dean’s List, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2010: Dean’s List, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Selected Professional and Institutional Activities
- Editor in "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics" (September, 2023 – present).
- Member of the International Commission on Tropical Meteorology (ICTM) under the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IAMAS) (March 2024 – present).
- Organizer of the Climate, Atmosphere, and Ocean (CAO) seminar, The Earth science institute, HUJI (Autumn 2023 – present).
- Climate specialists committee, The Israeli Meteorology Society (May, 2023 – present).
- Lead organizer of "BatSheva de Rothschild seminar on cloud-climate interactions across scales" international conference, Eilat, Israel (Founded by BatSheva de Rothschild Fund, Israel Ministry of Science, HUJI and WIS, February, 2023).
- Member of the GEWEX Aerosol Precipitation (GAP) initiative scientific steering committee and lead organizer of RCEMIP-ACI model intercomparison (January, 2023 – present).
- Member of the PhD admissions committee, The Earth science institute, HUJI (January, 2023 – present).
- Member of the ACPC scientific steering committee (May, 2022 – present).
- Co-convener of a session at the ACPC annual meeting (May, 2022).