GAP Radiative Convective Equilibrium (RCE) model intercomparison project (RCEMIP) aerosol perturbation experiment
An aerosol-focused RCEMIP perturbation experiment is currently taking place. The RCE setup is ideal for comparing the response of clouds to aerosol perturbation under wide environmental (SST) conditions, focusing on the equilibrium state (as opposed to the transient conditions simulated in DYAMOND-GAP). This setup will be used to examine the sensitivity of the RCE climate, cloud feedback, precipitation efficiency and convective aggregation to the based state of assumed aerosol/cloud droplet concentration. Results from SAM simulations following the RCE_small configuration (from the RCEMIP protocol [Wing et al., 2018]) with different levels of aerosol concentrations and under 5 different SSTs are presented below, taken from Lorian and Dagan, ACP (2024). It demonstrates that, the different hydrometeors vertical profiles change with SST (upper line) and with the aerosol concenrtation (lower line presenting the difference between the most polluted and the cleanst run for each SST).

The simulation protocol closely aligned with the RCEMIP protocol but with at least three different prescribed aerosol/ cloud droplet concentrations (near surface concentrations of 20, 200 and 2000 cm-3). The aerosol concentrations should affect only the cloud microphysics, and not the radiation directly (as aerosol-radiation interactions are excluded). Simulations are completed and are expected to become publicly available in mid-2025. For quations/suggestions about this MIP please email the organziers:

Guy Dagan, HUJI - guy.dagan@mail.huji.ac.il

Sue van den Heever, CSU - sue.vandenHeever@colostate.edu 

Philip Stier, University of Oxford - philip.stier@physics.ox.ac.uk 

 See also: https://pad.gwdg.de/4_qRdhnRQTCsTU7uk0KpHA

